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Welcome to Sellwood Soto Zen

Buddhist teachings for every day.

About Our Sangha

Sellwood Soto Zen

Sellwood Soto Zen is a Buddhist Sangha in which we aim to co-create a practice environment and community that is rooted in the wisdom and traditions of Eihei Dogen and Suzuki Roshi. While we have no physical structure, our intention is to create sacred spaces within the hearts of those who come together on occasion to share in the  teachings of Zen Buddhism.


Meetings and Events

Sellwood OR, Soto Zen

Zoom General Meeting
Every Sunday from 4:00 -5:00 PM (PST) Passcode: 108

Oak St. Zendo

Zazen Mornings - 6:00 AM PST, Monday through Saturday


Zazen Evenings - 7:00PM PST,
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 



Support Us

If you would like to support the our Sangha please consider making a donation via PayPal below, or send checks to 5724 SE 17th Ave., Portland OR 97202. Payable to Sellwood Soto Zen.

Portland, OR

© 2023 Sellwood Soto Zen - Designed by Trinity Sell

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